Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Brazil to expand Antarctic base

Brazil intends to increase its influence in Antarctica, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said today after visiting the region with his wife, son and several government officials.

"We are going to have to expand our presence here with more investments and laboratory ships,'' Silva told reporters covering his trip, which was held over 24 hours by bad weather.

"We will also have to improve the base and bring in more researchers."

Silva visited his country's Commandante Ferraz Antarctic base, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Brazilian scientists there go with meteorological, oceanographic and biological studies, in addition to research involving nuclear geophysics and geomagnetism.

He also stopped at the Brazil Antarctic Program's main support vessel, the Ary Rongel, and at Chile's Eduardo Frei base.

Some 28 nations operate seasonal and permanent research stations on Antarctica and nearby islands. No single nation has control over any segment of the continent, which is ruled by the Antarctic Treaty System and designated as a natural reserve dedicated to peace and science.

President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Brazil's South American neighbor, recently expressed interest in establishing that country's first base on Antarctica.

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