Thursday, 13 March 2008

Groups White Eagle and Caprioli negotiate purchase of jets from Embraer for Trip

The entrepreneur David Neeleman should not be the only one to operate regional jets from Embraer in Brazil property. A Trip, greater regional enterprise in the country, is also negotiating the purchase of jets with the Brazilian manufacturer, show sources of the market.

The president of the Trip, José Mário Caprioli limited itself to confirm that the company is in fact considering the addition of regional jets to its fleet, now composed only by aircraft.
"We are doing a very thorough analysis and we believe that in a not so distant horizon property should have regional jets into our fleet," said the executive. He did not want to specify when, but said that "the decision will come soon."

Company of the group and the White Eagle capixaba group Caprioli, both of the road transport industry, Trip has a fleet of 18 turboélices. They are models of aircraft ATR 42 (of 40 seats), ATR 72 (66 seats) and Brasilia (30 seats), Embraer property in Brazil.

Despite having only 1.05% of domestic market share, Trip is present in 64 cities, higher than the number of destinations served by Gol (50) or by TAM (45).

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