Friday, 4 April 2008

Euro-Med tourism ministers call for promotion of this sector

The first Euro-Med Ministerial Conference on Tourism (April 2-3), on Thursday called for a strengthening of the contribution of tourism in the Euromed partnership.

In the 39 participating ministers called for increased economic cooperation between Mediterranean countries, which stressed the importance of preventing and reducing the negative impacts of urbanization and sustainable use of land and Morocco property for the construction of tourism infrastructure.

They also stressed the importance of strengthening security in the region, where rising vulnerability of natural and man-made disasters can seriously affect economic development. "

The ministers agreed on the importance of strengthening the identification of Morocco property investment opportunities, as well as the promotion of joint ventures in the field of tourism, reaffirming the central role of the private sector in this area.

Stressing the importance of the adoption of common criteria for the classification of hotels in the Euro-Mediterranean region, they called for the continuation of negotiations to further liberalize air transport between the European Union (EU) as a tool for the development of tourism markets, in accordance with internationally recognised good practice.

Touching on the importance of Mediterranean partnership in the industry, Minister of Tourism of Morocco property, Mohamed Boussaid, requires a comprehensive regional approach Mediterranean with a view to establishing a genuine partnership in the tourism sector. He also stressed that the goal can be achieved through constructive dialogue and cooperation between countries of the region.

Echoing Mr. Boussaid, the European Commissioner responsible fisheries and Maritime Affairs Joe Borg, the EU expressed their determination to support the total investment of tourism in the Mediterranean region, in order to promote sustainable tourism development.

Tourism can play a role in creating jobs and developing the region's economy by encouraging private sector development and promotion of this sector, he concluded.

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